Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Thinking and Persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking and Persuasion - Essay Example The potential market is 2.5 million thus with the proper mechanism the TAMY would be able to ripe big from the proceeds contributed by the market. The market potential means that the firm needs to hire a firm that is aware of the current market events and is experienced in the systems used by TAMY. The firm has experience on major fronts. The firm has the capacity to handle logistically as a section of a firm is mandated to the function. The firm has had experience working with the private sector. This means the firm has the capacity to handle pressure and work based on quality output. The firm’s public relation traits are essential, as they would play an important role in attracting the public back to the Transit Authority of Metropolitan Yorkville (TAMY) services. The firm could be able to handle request from customers hence increase capacity. Their experience in demanding fields such as the campaign could be essential while developing a brand to be recognized by the market. The firm, however, had its shortfalls. The firm lacks experience in the transportation industry. This implies that the firm may fail to deliver according to expectation. The firm’s lack of knowledge in the transportation field would mean DeWitt could fail to identify the potential market while at the same time fail to identify the market adjustments that should be made to ensure the firms revive its previous reputation. DeWitt could worsen the current situation as it may fail to identify the industry’s high season and low seasons. The focus should be how to adjust operations to cater for the high seasons and low season. The firm should not be considered based on their lack of experience in the public transportation industry. The firm has experience in the transportation industry. This is evident in their involvement with other Transit system firms. This is the experienced need to improve the overall performance of TAMY.

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